On June 17, the United Nations General Assembly will vote for the non-permanent members of the United Nations Security Council that will begin their tenure in January 2021. Canada has announced its candidacy for a seat. It is vital that Ukraine support Canada’s membership on this important international body.

For more than six years, as Russia has waged war on Ukraine, there has been no stronger ally or friend of the Ukrainian people than Canada. After Russia invaded Ukraine, Canada led the way in having Russia removed from the G8 (now G7). Canadian soldiers have been training Ukrainian counterparts on Operation UNIFIER since 2015, contributing to Ukraine’s battle-readiness and saving the lives of Ukrainian soldiers.

Canada, together with allies, has imposed sanctions on Russia for its continuing war on Ukraine. Canada has supported the development of Ukraine’s civil society, economy, independent media, and political and governance institutions through aid programs and assistance.

One of the reasons for the strong bonds of friendship between Canada and Ukraine is undoubtedly the people-to-people ties that we share – over 1.3 million out of nearly 38 million Canadians identify as Ukrainian. But the bond goes deeper than our shared cultural and historic ties. The Ukrainian and Canadian people share strong bonds of friendship because we share a deep commitment to values and ideals of pluralism, democracy, and human rights. And we share a commitment to the international rules-based order – wherein recognized borders and right of nations to choose their own destiny are respected and acknowledged.

After his election, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky made one of his first official foreign visits to Canada. In Toronto, he said, “Canada is a real friend to Ukraine. Canada has confirmed this through real steps in supporting our country through sanctions policy aimed at Russian aggression and also in defending and maintaining Ukraine’s territorial integrity.”

Canada now needs Ukraine’s support to join the United Nations Security Council as a non-permanent member. On the council, Canada would be a strong champion for the values that Canadians and Ukrainians share and would be an effective opponent of the increased influence on our world of authoritarian, anti-democratic and aggressive regimes.

That is why it’s crucial that Ukraine votes for Canada’s membership on the United Nations Security Council. It is in Ukraine’s interests to do so because it would ensure a strong voice for the values that the Ukrainian people themselves hold dear. Which is why it would be the right thing for Ukraine to do. Canada supports Ukraine. On June 17, Ukraine needs to support Canada.

Alexandra Chyczij is the national president of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress.