Brothers and sisters!

Here’s the Summary for July 29, 2014 

The bad news:

1. Russia continues to attack. The NSDC [National Security and Defense Council] states: Russian troops daily conduct on average 3 to 5 artillery shellings of Ukrainian security forces at the territory of Ukraine from the territory of the Russian Federation.

I cannot understand why no one is able to beat an explanation out of Putin about these mad and bloody provocations. Americans have already provided illustrative evidence that Russia is waging these attacks. We have plentry of evidence ourselves. But nobody wants to put pressure on Moscow to get it to recognize these very obvious facts.

Ay, UN, say “hi” to sweet-talking grandfather Ban Ki-moon. Also, send our regards to the omniscient and all-knowing guys from the OSCE.

2. Terrorist from the DNR [Donetsk People’s Republic] killed a child after intentionally firing at one of the minivans in a convoy of local residents who attempted to take their children out of Donbas [in Horlivka]. Here, there is no excuse for “accidental” fire. This is a heinous crime for which someone must be held responsible, if the concept of justice still exists.

… Our message in this regard, in which we made a mistake (by saying that it was a minivan with children from various orphanages) was widely refuted by officials of various [government] civilian agencies. I will not argue about this–we are to blame for the inaccuracy we allowed. But I was amazed that the Interior Ministry [who oversees the police] also took to refuting this fact.

Fair enough, ombudsmen and the Health Ministry with the Donetsk Oblast City Administration are responsible only for “their” children, for whom they bear direct responsibility (although I don’t see point-blank any difference in which child has died–be it an orphanage or a family). But in theory, the Interior Ministry should report such crimes to us itself, or at least verify the information and not indiscriminately join in the general chorus.

Although in a sense, there is hardly anything useful in these disputes–you cannot give back a child’s life after all…

3. It seems that since the Kremlin has set itself the task to demonize itself as a fully-fledged “evil empire,” it will no longer deviate from this path (of course, not without help). Covering for and shielding terrorists goes beyond all imaginable limits.

Thus, Russia’s permanent representative at the UN, Vitaly Churkin announced that the DNR fighters, who controlled the Boeing-777 crash site and [who] stole belongings from the deceased passengers, along with the local residents, cannot be called looters. “Why are the locals collecting something? Because it literally falls on their heads,” said Churkin. And the militants, according to him, loot because [they] “don’t have proper training” (presumably, this is the criticism of Russian FSB and GRU training centers where terrorists are being trained).

Obviously, Churkin himself, who doesn’t consider the appropriation of victims’ belongings a sin, used to rob graves during his youth. What is so wrong [about it], when they [the belongings] are “literally” lying under your feet?

By this Kremlin logic, there is nothing wrong about the amusements of SS soldiers in pulling the gold teeth from concentration camps victims–why should the property go to waste? The affinity between the regimes is palpable.

The good news:

1. The ATO [anti-terrorist operation] forces freed a number of settlements. The biggest gift of the day–Debaltseve–is a very convincing step toward a full decoupling of the LNR [Luhansk People’s Republic] and DNR.

It would be untrue to say that these successes come easily to the ATO forces. But they do come, and this is most important.

2. Clearly, if one repeats a mantra long enough, it will eventually materialize. The EU kept sending messages about the introduction of the third round of sanctions against Russia for so long, that as a result they eventually had to accept these sanctions. Today, the ambassadors of EU member states made this decision during a meeting in Brussels.

Dear European officials, please forgive my lightweight sarcasm–[I] just couldn’t believe in the reality of these promises. But they are being realized, albeit in a rather softer option, and this is important.

… I especially liked the French. They, pitiful things, still managed to bargain for their right to deliver the “Mistrals” to Russia–because the EU sanctions in the weapons supply will not touch the contracts that have been entered into earlier. Oh, brother [François] Hollande, you should play the shell game at the [railway] station–you have an obvious talent for petty fraud.

Although thank you, Europe, for what you’ve accomplished.

3. And from the fun [news]: the propagandists from the Russian media continue burning napalm.

LifeNews reported today that Russian scientists have discovered how to treat HIV and are ready to cure all the children from Eastern Ukraine, but the Ukrainian government won’t let them go to Russia.

We are happy for the Russian scientists, although we would like to suggest that for starters, they should learn how to treat the Russian journalists’ confabulations. It is desirable that they do so rectally–that is, through the same spot which LifeNews representatives use to depict their thought processes.

Moskovsky Komsomolets [newspaper] picked up the baton of stupidity. The unique specimens from this publication reprinted a statement by the German media with a confession by an unnamed Ukrainian pilot who allegedly steered the Su-25 [fighter jet] and downed the Malaysian Boeing.

However, the Russian journos failed to clarify that their original “news” source was a German website Allgemeine Morgenpost Rundschau. The website editorial board indicates that all information on their website is fiction. Once again, it’s completely in the spirit of “Russian journalism.”