Russia's War Against Ukraine
Dmitry Tymchuk’s military blog: Russian-led forces shell Ukrainian troops

Soldiers of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) take position in the frontline town of Shyrokyne, some 10 kms east of Mariupol, on March 20, 2015.
Editor's Note: To counter Russian propaganda lies about the Kremlin's invasion of Ukraine's Crimean peninsula on Feb. 27, Dmitry Tymchuk has set up the Center of Military and Political Research in Kyiv. He served in the Army air defense from 1995-1998, the National Guard from 1998-2000 and in the Defense Ministry in subsequent years on missions to Iraq, Lebanon and Kosovo. His blogs are translated into English by Voices of Ukraine. The Kyiv Post has not independently verified his findings, but will correct any misinformation brought to our attention at or 38-044-591-3344 or any of our contacts at