The bad news:

1. The “truce” continues unilaterally. Terrorists fire at ATO forces’ positions, undermine railroads, and capture new administrative buildings.

Peaceful civilians are being killed. Including children. Today, doctors reported that one of the shrapnel fragments went straight into the heart of a 10-month-old baby slain by terrorists on June 24 in the city of Anthracite [Luhansk Oblast].

I don’t know what type of a beast shoots at a children’s playground from a grenade launcher. How is it even possible? One word: nonhumans.

2. Strange things are happening at the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine [GPU]. The reduction of the GPU size, announced by the agency head, is definitely a positive. But then immediately thereafter a strange rotation on the position of Deputy Attorney General took place: Mykola Golomsha was replaced by the former Kyiv prosecutor Mykola Herasymiuk.

Against the latter’s candidacy, let me remind you, were “Right Sector.” As in, this gentleman worked for the prosecutor’s office when Yanukovych was in power and falsified criminal cases against Maidan participants.

I’m not saying that “Right Sector” is the truth of last resort. But once such serious allegations were made, it would be nice to conduct a thorough investigation and put the record straight about the identity of Herasymiuk. And don’t appoint him for such a high position on the quiet.

3. Proceeding from prosecutor’s cases on to military affairs.

We received information that some generals, who showed particular zeal at the collapse of the Army under Yanukovych, now gradually test the waters for a return to a military office.

In this regard, we tried to find out the fate of an interesting document. Namely, the results of an investigation conducted by the Ministry of Defense in April of this year, regarding the disintegration of the Armed Forces. To our knowledge, this document contains the names of specific generals and admirals, the guilty parties, I’m not afraid to use this word, in the tragedy. These materials were handed over to the Prosecutor General’s Office, and since then nothing could be heard about them.

We were unable to find the end of the investigation–the GPU is in chaos because of the new appointments. But we are waiting for the Attorney General Vitaliy Yarema to shed some light. Firstly, the homeland should know the faces of its “heroes.” And secondly, we cannot allow these “strategists” back into the Defense Ministry and the General Staff. No matter how badly they want it.

The good news:

1. The [Ukrainian] Cabinet of Ministers decided on the engineering and technical arrangement of the state border with Russia. There will be no Great Wall of China, but trenches, barbed wire and surveillance for sure.

Let the Kremlin moan and cry that Kyiv cannot conduct a demarcation unilaterally. It is clear for everyone (except the Russians themselves), that any neighbor of Russia can feel relaxed only by cutting themselves off from Putin with a high fence.

And behind this fence it is desirable to have a pack of evil dogs (that is the border control guards and the army). For Putin’s unwelcome messengers not only to remain without pants, but without something more valuable.

Because we “became friends” with Russia once. Now we have to disentangle ourselves.

2. In the EU, a new body is being created–a support group in Ukraine which will include European officials and diplomats. The group’s goal is to coordinate EU institutions on issues related to Ukraine. 

The creation of such a body to work with a country that is not an EU member is unprecedented. Let’s hope that this is not only a beautiful step but a truly qualitatively new format of work between Brussels and Kyiv.

3. The SBU [Security Service of Ukraine] detained terrorists who were preparing sabotage and terrorist attacks in Dnipropetrovsk, and dreamed of a “Dnipropetrovsk People’s Republic,” which would work closely with the “LNR” and “DNR” [Luhansk- and Donetsk People’s Republics].

At long last, the dream of the failed “presidents” and “prime ministers” of the “People’s Republic” to work closely with the dregs of society will finally come true. However, it’ll be behind bars. Here, they can expect a fascinating and magnificent inauguration process near the prison bucket [toilet]. As their spiritual father Himmler was fond of saying, “Jedem das Seine,” to each what he deserves…