American Medical Centers is now able to provide testing for the coronavirus in order to help both individuals and working groups return to work and undertake international travel.

We have two types of tests for COVID-19 infection.

Firstly a PCR test, which matches a patient’s genetic material with that of the virus. The test is taken either from a blood sample or from a swab from the back of the nose, the blood sample being the more accurate form of testing – about 98%. A PCR test will begin to show active infection from 24-48 hours from the start of viral infection until the virus is removed from the body – maybe 2 weeks or more.

It will not show those who have had an infection but will show those who are actively infected (even if they have no symptoms). To determine if an individual is free from active infection I recommend that they should observe strict self-quarantine and social distancing for 48 hours before the test and during the two days that the test takes to process.

The European Union is currently discussing the need to have a PCR test done 72 hours before travel.

The second test is an antibody test that will show if an individual has had an infection. It is less accurate than the PCR test and its accuracy is about 80%.

The antibodies will begin to show after about 2 weeks and will increase over the next two or three months. It is useful for an individual to confirm they have had the infection, but to be more accurate I would suggest that they are re-tested in a further two weeks.  The result is available within a few hours. Because the numbers of people in the population who have had the virus are still comparatively small, and may be much smaller in selected groups, such as our own patients, it is unlikely to find a working group who are all positive – that is, all who have had past infection.

American Medical Centers has carefully selected both PCR and antibody testing from the most reliable sources with high accuracy rates and these tests are available to individuals or groups.

We are able to offer a certificate in both English and national languages that has so far been acceptable to those that require it.

We have in fact seen very few cases of COVID-19 virus through our SEVEN clinics, and indeed very few patients who have a positive antibody test.

We can, therefore, reassure you that we offer the highest standards of safety both for testing and for routine medical care. Establishing that individuals or a workforce are free of active infection is the first step in returning to normal work and economic viability.

Maintaining freedom of infection both as an individual and as a group of workers will require continuing changes to lifestyle and American Medical Centers will be providing such information for your use.

If you wish to have any COVID-19 testing done either as an individual or group of workers, clinic managers and medical directors of all our clinics will be able to assist you.

Dr. Richard Styles is the chief medical officer of the American Medical Centers group.