I honestly don’t remember what day it is. However, I know for sure it’s the twelfth day. And for some reason it’s not spring outside the window. Everything just stopped on Feb. 24. Since then, time has been so very slow. I never thought in my life that I would be woken up by explosions. Not yet knowing that these are rockets, and that hot tears will flow from my eyes.

That in five minutes a backpack with the most necessary things will be packed. That in an hour I will hear the first siren in my life warning of an air attack air alarm. And that in two hours my mother, who is at the other end of the country – in the west, will call to tell me that the military unit near us was bombed and more explosions will follow.

Even now it seems to me that it’s all been a dream. But no! All this horror is very much a reality.

I have written before that I am proud of the people who come out with their bare hands against the armed Russian military – ordinary city dwellers who seize tanks, capture soldiers, and catch looters. It raises the fighting spirit.

However, every day it becomes morally harder, tougher. I know that victory will be ours because we are on our own land. But the question is when exactly will it come?

People are becoming more and more stressed out. And this is understandable. When hundreds of innocent people are being killed each day your country, day after day, after day. Simply because some maniac wants it so much…

The enemy has bombed many places I loved.

He struck the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which was something great for me, and also the tallest TV tower in Ukraine, right here in Kyiv. And how many buildings in the cities have been destroyed! How many burned villages… All this is someone’s life ruined. The life of an entire nation brutalized and savaged!

But I found a formula to prevent myself from despairing. Every day, I try to do at least something for my indomitable army and people.

The day before, I joined the volunteers in the capital. We are located on the territory of one of the capital’s schools. Interestingly, more than a hundred people come there every day, including children. Some bring food to those who are short of it. And others come to receive it.

The situation in the stores has deteriorated recently. There is no big shortage, but you cannot make soup for sure. Shelves with vegetables are empty. The situation is the same in the meat department.

But back to the volunteer hub. I like to weave camouflage nets the most. It takes a long time, but you realize that you are directly helping the army. Because one such grid, measuring 20 square meters, goes to the front line or to local fortifications in Kyiv.

And what can raise our fighting spirit more that at than making personal contributions, each in their own way, to the victory that will surely be ours. Because we are on our own land, our native land.

Glory to My Ukraine! Glory to my Heroes!