With modern Russia’s track record of ‘unexplained deaths’, it remains a mystery why ‘former’ FSB officer Igor Girkin is still alive. Girkin undoubtedly served the regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin as required in 2014, first in helping Russia seize Crimea, then in bringing war and carnage to Donbas. He was, however, removed from Donbas shortly after the downing by a Russian Buk missile of Malaysian airliner MH17, and is now one of three Russians, all ‘former’ FSB or Military Intelligence officers, and one Ukrainian, on trial in absentia in Holland over MH17. Although he remains silent on certain subjects of particular danger to Moscow (in particular, regarding MH17 and Russia’s heavy military engagement in Donbas), he continues giving interview after interview in which he exposes not only his own war crimes, but those of his controllers in the Kremlin, and their lies about the conflict in Donbas being a ‘civil war’.

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