The judge who, in September 2014, released under house arrest a former Berkut commander charged with the gunning down of peaceful Maidan protesters has been acquitted of issuing knowingly wrongful court rulings. Although the Kyiv Prosecutor’s Office report does not name the judge, it was clearly Svitlana Volkova from the Pechersky District Court. It was her decision on Sept. 19, 2014, to allow the application for Dmytro Sadovnyk to be freed under house arrest that resulted in Sadovnyk fleeing justice before the appeal hearing on 1 October that year, initiated by the Prosecutor General’s Office, which might well have returned him to detention.
EuroMaidan Revolution
Halya Coynash: Ukrainian court acquits judge who released Berkut

Officers of the now-disbanded Berkut riot police unit open fire on EuroMaidan Revolution protesters on Hrushevsky Street in Kyiv on Feb. 20, 2014.