Murder In The Sky: Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17
Julia Ioffe: I met Igor Bezler, the Russian rebel who said, ‘we have just shot down a plane’

Igor Bezler (center, in green), a suspected Russian secret service agent, claimed he carried out an execution of two men on June 5 after Ukrainian authorities captured and refused to release a fellow separatist.
Back in May, I met Igor Bezler, whose voice is said to be on theleaked recordings of an intercepted phone conversation between him and a Russian minder, in which Bezler apparently says, "We have just shot down a plane," which, he clarifies, is "100 percent civilian." Bezler, known as Bes, or "demon," is a separatist leader in Ukraine, commanding a rag-tag army of police force deserters and teenagers when he isn't busy fighting with other rebel leaders.