Ukraine is in the midst of a national struggle that will determine its future geopolitical orientation: the West or Moscow. Ukraine represents the idea in Europe that each country has the sovereign ability to determine its own path and to decide with whom it has relations and how and by whom it is governed. Russia has been occupying Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula illegally since 2014 and continues to stoke a deadly war in the east that has resulted in more than 10,000 deaths. Although Ukraine is not a NATO member, there are things the U.S. can and should do to help. These include continuing and, when necessary, expanding economic sanctions against Russia; providing advanced weaponry and military training to the Ukrainians; issuing a nonrecognition declaration over Crimea; pressuring Russia to live up to its commitments under the Minsk II cease-fire agreement; and helping Ukraine to uproot entrenched corruption and cronyism within its economy and governing system.

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