In a high-profile interview with Rossiya state TV, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced that Moscow is ready to “sever relations with the European Union.” The EU is Russia’s most important trading partner, but if it continues to impose additional sanctions and interfere in Russia’s internal affairs, Moscow may go into full confrontational mode, like it already has against the United States. Lavrov castigated the West for supporting opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who was arrested on Jan. 17, 2021, after returning to Russia from Germany, and promptly received a 32-month prison sentence on Feb. 2. Lavrov expressed no remorse for harshly treating EU High Representative Josep Borrell during his recent visit to Moscow or for the expulsion of German, Polish and Swedish diplomats that coincided with Borrell’s visit. A further breakup of relations with Europe could harm Russia; but according to Lavrov, the Russian Federation has already reached full self-reliance in defense and must strive to achieve full economic self-reliance: “Russia does not want to isolate itself from the world but must be ready to do it. If you want peace, prepare for war [Si vis pacem, para bellum]”.

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