October 2021 marked the most dramatic month-over-month increase in reported COVID-19 cases in the Russian Federation since the pandemic began, with up to 40,000 infections and over a thousand coronavirus-related deaths per day. In most Russian regions, hospital intensive care units (ICU) are occupied close to capacity. According to government sources, some 1,300,000 Russians are today receiving medical treatment for COVID-19, with some 268,000 of them hospitalized, of which around 11 percent are in critical condition. The Kremlin has responded by announcing a partial national lockdown from Oct. 30 to Nov. 7, 2021. Only essential grocery shops and drugstores will stay open, while restaurants may provide only takeout orders; all other retail will be closed. Russian regions have been given authority to impose additional mandates and restrictive measures. One of the worst situations seem to be in Sevastopol, where ICU units are over 95 percent full. Roadblocks in the region will be turning away anyone attempting to enter the city without a valid COVID-19 vaccination certificate.

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