The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate worries that the Moscow Patriarchate may receive ownership of historical and cultural memorials, including the Saint Sophia Cathedral.

Diminishing religious freedoms

President Viktor Yanukovych has seen fit to liquidate the National Committee on Religious Affairs with no open discussion of a replacement. The Association of Religious Freedom has stated that the first year of Yanukovych’s presidency has brought new obstacles religious freedom.

Despite the liberal public attitude, only one faith – the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) – appears to have received consistent support from the authorities. In his national Christmas address, the president even neglected to mention the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, effectively snubbing more than 5 million parishioners.

Other faiths are increasingly concerned over possible violations of their rights. For instance, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate worries that the Moscow Patriarchate may receive ownership of historical and cultural memorials, including the Saint Sophia Cathedral.

The synod of the Kyiv Patriarchate has sent an open letter to the president in which they accuse the authorities of interference in internal affairs of the church for the benefit of the Moscow Patriarchate.

The Moscow Patriarchate’s 9.5 million supporters do not constitute the leading faith in Ukraine. The Kyiv Patriarchate carries favor with 14 million people and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church has 5 million followers.

People First Comment: It is a challenge recognized by almost every democracy: where to draw the line between church and state? Such a boundary is clearly necessary. The favored religious denomination in this case, the Moscow Patriarchate, clearly wishes to cement its authority and control. In what appears to be a taking of sides, Yanukovych risks alienating some 20 million voters for little apparent political or social gain.

IMF warns against worsening conditions

Following an official International Monetary Fund visit in February, Max Alier, IMF Resident representative in Ukraine noted problems in the economic system, tax legislation and customs regulations are worsening. Regarding the agricultural sector, Alier mentioned that the non-transparent distribution of grain sales quotas might force all foreign investors out of the agro-industrial complex altogether.

The IMF representative stated that the restoration of the Ukrainian economy hinges on the issue of insecure loans and the protection of creditors’ rights. Foreign investors, among them "Arcelor Mittal Kryvyi Rih,” inform that the value-added tax debt is increasing by Hr 300 million every month.

Ukraine should not need any financial support from the IMF as its mineral, energy and agricultural resources should have made this country one of the richest in Europe.

Although Ukraine continues to be characterized as a nation of great potential, the IMF representative clearly stated that business conditions in the country are getting worse. The failure of the authorities to act might jeopardize the rates of national growth, together with the development of Ukraine’s potential.

The next tranche of $1.6 billion would be better secured if the government implemented pension reforms before the end of the month. However, even if these funds are successfully acquired, one has to question how the allocation process will be monitored to ensure that the money reaches those causes for which it was intended.

People First Comment: The gross domestic product of this fair and pleasant land is now almost $1,000 per capita lower than it was at the time of independence 20 years ago. The small-and-medium enterprise sector has retracted by 800,000 companies in the last two years, 6.6 million of the nation’s work force now choose to work abroad and few will ever come back, the banks will only lend against 100 percent security and corruption and the black economy are now the only real currency.

While it is clearly understood that it is the responsibility of the government of the nation to ensure its economic security, one has to ask just how blatant the figures have to be before the IMF realizes that they are being taken for a ride. Ukraine should not need any financial support from the IMF as its mineral, energy and agricultural resources should have made this country one of the richest in Europe.

However, the incompetence of successive administrations, coupled with a parliamentary system governed by greed, has reduced the nation to poverty for the masses and extraordinary wealth for the elite. Can the IMF really believe that their billions are going to make any appreciable difference when they ignore the core problems and fail to demand systemic change?

Party of Regions does not see that one deputy voting on behalf of many others is a violation of democracy.

Astonishing parliamentary practice

During an official visit to the Verkhovna Rada, deputies from the Polish Sejm were openly shocked by the practices of their Ukrainian counterparts. Ukrainian deputies went about their usual business, including the overt and casual hijacking of absent deputies’ votes.

The Polish dignitaries could do little but laugh at the blatant lack of respect for democratic essentials and felt compelled to document the abuse on video. (Reference: – English language transcript can be found here:

On viewing this video, Lukash Adgarovich, senator of the Polish Sejm, noted that under Polish legislation, cases of stolen votes automatically result in the immediate revocation of mandate and serious criminal punishment.

It seems the Party of Regions does not see that one deputy voting on behalf of many others is a violation of democracy.

A solution proposed by Volodymyr Makeenko, a deputy from the Party of Regions, was simply to legalize voting for another deputy. The chaos and fraudulent acts that flourish in this environment is a constant hurdle.

A recent fraud involved Volodymyr Ariev, a deputy from the opposition whose card was used to vote for pro-government amendments to the constitution. Ariev was in the U.S. with his card when his vote was cast.

To combat this issue, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, leader of Front Zmin political party, suggests the introduction of criminal liability for violations of voting procedure. Unfortunately, the Verkhovna Rada lacks the political culture and parliamentary majority required to push through such initiatives.

People First Comment: For any government to have legitimacy, it must first ensure that it works within the law. This government, particularly in the absence of a viable opposition, seems to feel very comfortable working on the edge of legal legitimacy in order to achieve its goals. Breaches of parliamentary protocol are now so numerous that many fail to ever be noted.

Ukraine remains deaf

Marina Stavniychuk, a member of the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission, recently stated that the Ukrainian authorities continue to ignore recommendations regarding, legal reform and legislation on public assembly and peaceful demonstrations. The recommendations on election code are also being neglected.

In response, the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice said the commission’s recommendations have yet to be implemented by any of the EU member states.

But let us not forget that the National Commission for the Strengthening of Democracy and the Rule of Law has been operating in Ukraine since 2010 without a single result. Are there any guarantees that this time it will be different?

One can only assume that this government is either being crazed by their own power or that this is a deliberate ploy to use the international community as a PR smokescreen.

People First Comment:
Looking at their track record this government seems to be pretty good at ignoring advice. When the new tax code was first announced, the government solicited advice and recommendations from the international community. The European Business Association and the American Chamber of Commerce took the matter very seriously and created a series of recommendations in the belief that the government was serious about doing the right thing. The government ignored every word.

The same thing is happening with the new electoral code. Following the deeply flawed local government elections in October, the president announced that he recognized the shortcomings and wanted a new electoral code. A commission was established and included representatives of civic society organizations and international bodies, including the EU, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, National Democratic Institute and International Republican Institute.

The commission has met three times and last week it was announced that the next meeting would be the last. Instead of creating an electoral code, certain elements within the commission have used the opportunity to re-draft the parliamentary election law again ignoring international expertise they had requested.

Now we see the same system in play, but this time the government is ignoring the Venice Commission. It is one thing to ignore business organizations and civic society; it is another to ignore what is one of the most important democracy guardians of the Western world. One can only assume that this government is either being crazed by their own power or that this is a deliberate ploy to use the international community as a PR smokescreen. Either way there will be consequences.

Viktor Tkachuk is chief executive officer of the People First Foundation, which seeks to strengthen Ukrainian democracy. The organization’s website is: and the e-mail address is: [email protected]