Regions Party lawmaker Yuriy Ivaniushchenko, nicknamed Yuriy Yenakiyevskiy, is one of the most enigmatic and influential members of the pro-presidential coalition in Parliament. So his rare appearance, during the opening session of the Verkhovna Rada on Sept. 6 created quite a stir.

Ivaniushchenko showed that, despite being one of the most influential people in politics today, he is not ready for public appearances. Nor does he project the image of an almighty politician pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Still, the publicity-shy Ivaniushchenko’s impromptu meeting with journalists made him the star of a fleeting moment and may have even improved his image.

Even though he’s an elected member of Parliament, he rarely can be found there. He was last spotted there on Feb. 25, 2010, when Viktor Yanukovych took the oath as president. Then the largely unknown lawmaker, escorted by several bodyguards, sneaked into the parliament building, using his coat to cover his face.

His image is more of a mythological character rather than a public politician. Numerous media reports have been written about his alleged interest in Ukraine’s agricultural sector, his problems in acquiring a U.S. visa, his purchase of Zhulyany International Airport in Kyiv and his reputed interest in buying Dynamo Kyiv football club.

He is also known for filing lawsuits against journalists who delve too deeply into allegedly unflattering aspects of his past.

(Photo: Yuriy Ivaniushchenko)

Many questions posed to him were not answered. When and under what circumstances did he get acquainted with Yanukovych? Does he have a joint business with the president’s elder son? Where does he permanently reside?

Why does he attend parliamentary sessions so rarely, despite being a lawmaker and getting a salary there?

Ivaniushchenko did not say much. He mostly denied reports that he has great influence over the president. When confronted with all those questions in Parliament, the second most influential person in Ukraine – according to a recent Korrespondent magazine rating – appeared to be surprised and even slightly nervous over all the attention.

Smiling awkwardly, Ivaniushchenko kept trying to end the interview session and walk away, only to be followed by journalists with their never-ending stream of questions.

The smiling and shy Ivaniushchenko came away from the encounter in a positive light, not as the “prince of darkness” or “grey cardinal” that some consider him to be.

Appearances can be deceiving. The non-threatening impression made by Ivaniushchenko may differ from his real role and influence in Ukrainian politics. But for a brief moment on Parliament’s first day, Ivaniushchenko was a show-stopper.

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Kyiv Post staff writer Yuriy Onyshkiv can be reached at