Parliament voted for the draft law on changing status of NABU

On May 21, the parliament adopted draft law No. 5459-1 in the first reading, which should bring the law on the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine in line with the last-year decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. The draft law eliminates gaps in the legislation regulating the status of the NABU and uncertainty regarding the current director of the bureau. However, the law needs significant improvement before the second reading to secure the independence of the bureau.

SAPO initiates the first case ever on confiscation of unjustified assets

On May 20, the Special Anti-Prosector’s Office initiated the first case on civil confiscation of unjustified assets since the introduction of the respective provisions in 2019. The case is based on the investigation of journalists of and concerns Hr 1.2 million of income received by MP Illia Kyva (44-member pro-Russian party Opposition Platform for Life). Kyva allegedly fraudulently “rented out” sham real estate to substantiate receipt of funds.

Law Enforcement Committee finalizes law on reinstating imprisonment for false declarations

The Law Enforcement Committee finally recommended draft law No.4651 for the second reading. The draft law decreases the threshold for criminal liability and introduces the imprisonment term as one of the sanctions for false asset declarations. The committee refused to support the Venice Commission’s suggestion to introduce submission of supplementary asset declarations for 2020 so that the new rules on liability would apply to previously submitted declarations.