Ihor Kosma­chevsky


“To tell you the truth, there is not much to do in Kyiv on a summer evening. I was going to go on a tour around Ukraine this summer. However, financial instability and the crisis have totally ruined my plans.”

Anna Kravchuk


“Khresh­chatyk Street is the place where I would spend most of my summer evenings, enjoying the company of my friends. Fortunately, financial instability in the country did not affect my plans to visit the Crimea.”

Anastasiya Olekseenko


“The Dnipro River pier and the Kyiv city center are my favorite routes on a summer evening in the capital. And hopefully, I’ll make it out of Kyiv despite the financial hardships I am experiencing and spend a week on the seaside.”

Svitlana Poluektova


‘I love going out to the Kyiv lakes on summer evenings. Speaking of a desire to spend such an evening outside of the capital, we all understand that this summer will be tough for many Ukrainians. Hopefully, I’ll manage to save enough money and go on a decent vacation.”

Iryna Yakovleva

Beauty salon staffer

“I am a family woman. That’s why evenings in our summer cottage outside of the capital would be the ideal scenario. We also used to have an annual tradition to make summer trips to the Crimea. This year the crisis has completely spoiled our plans.”