Iryna Yakovleva

Beauty salon staffer

“I’m not sure whether his accusations are true or false. Time will show. However, the reason he made them has nothing to do with Yushchenko’s guilt or innocence, but with their inner conflicts and factions. It’s such obvious PR.”

Svitlana Poluektova


“I have a feeling it’s merely ‘black PR’ to ruin Yush­chenko’s reputation. I would not be surprised if Baloha’s accusations turned out to be true. I would not be surprised if it was a complete lie either. Ukrainian politics is not much more than a game.”

Anastasiya Olekseenko


“Personally, I think that Yushchenko and Baloha and all people on the Ukrainian political stage today are pawns in the bigger game that we’re able to observe. They all play by the rules assigned to them by the powerbrokers. Baloha’s resignation and accusations are just part of this game.”

Anna Kravchuk


“Certainly, Yushchenko has ruined the hopes that people placed in him. However, I do not have much trust in Baloha’s accusations. I think that these are just pure internal political games that they are playing.”

Ihor Kosma­chevskiy

Entrepreneur“I do believe Baloha’s accusations about the president’s corruption. They [Ukrainian statesmen] know everything about each other and can conceal or reveal each other’s crimes. I don’t know why Baloha has decided to speak up now and not later or earlier, but I think Yushchenko’s corruption was the main reason for his resignation.”