Oleksandr Vedme­denko


“If Lutsenko had been an outstanding minister, the public wouldn’t care about this scandal. However, in his case, resignation is the right step to take.”

Olena Nevedova


“Resignation is the only right decision in this case. There’s no question about it.

Talking about his tenure, I don’t know whether he was trying to improve things or whether he had the most genuine of intentions, but the mass media did everything to create the image of Lutsenko as a hard worker.”

Olena Singaevska

Sound technician

“Definitely, his resignation is inevitable. As to my evaluation of his professional qualities, I do not have any idea. After the Maidan [2004 Orange Revolution] disappointment, I have become politically indifferent. I can only say that there are no essential improvements in the Ukrainian system of internal affairs.”

Andriy Ivanov


“Regardless of his guilt or innocence, his resignation was a very dignified step to take. I will remember him as a politician with firm values and principles.”

Olena Berezhna


“Lutsenko did what any minister of any country should have done in such a situation. The parliament just has to approve the act of resignation to protect the ruined image of Ukraine. Speaking of Lutsenko’s political qualities, I haven’t noticed any positive changes in the work of police during his rule.”