Vyacheslav Yurkov


“These are morally depraved people. They should be sentenced to the death penalty or isolated from society. Millions of soldiers, eight million of whom were our Ukrainian boys and girls, sacrificed their lives for the future of these monsters. I also lost my grandparents to the war. They have to be punished without any discussions.”

Oleksiy Sizopov


“It’s a pure crime to devastate the memory of those to whom we should thank every day of our lives for our existence. They fought for us. They are our history. It is a big mistake they are making now.”

Valeriy Petrov


“I think it makes sense for those western regions, which actually suffered greatly from the raids of the Red Army.”

Eva Berdayeva


“I can’t believe such a desecration of memory of our heroes, one of whom was my grandfather, became possible. It’s definitely a moral crime and should have at least some sort of punishment.”

Kateryna Metel

Dental clinic

“These monuments cannot be torn down. The matter should not be even discussed. Talking about negative influence of Soviet-era monuments – it’s such an ignorant and incomplete approach. We have to know our history: both the great and the awful sides. Only then we’ll be able to draw adequate conclusions.”