Borys Kulin


“I would definitely vote for him. There were two important things in Kuchma’s time [from 1994-2004]: order and understanding of the economy. These things are unknown to this bunch of infants, the so-called leaders of contemporary Ukraine. If he returns to power, he would probably become a dictator. However, he’ll certainly manage to pull the economy up and out of this chaos and disorder.”

Yana Udovenko


“No, we don’t need Kuchma. What’s the point of going back? New faces, new people and new perspectives – Ukraine has to move forward.”

Mykhailo Marchuk


“I have the most positive feeling about Kuchma’s return. Going back to the past is not always acceptable. However, during Kuchma’s reign Ukraine was – without a doubt – so much better off. The economy was so much more stable. Anyone in this country will tell you this today.”

Tetyana Kiriya­novska


“I had a stable life when Kuchma was in power, as well as millions of other Ukrainians. I am not sure whether we need him now, but he’ll definitely have the support of many Ukrainians if he runs for presidential elections, particularly contrasted with somebody like [President Victor] Yushchenko.”

Kateryna Borshevska

Pensioner “Kuchma? No way! Been there, done that. I remember these times. They were terrible times and I would never want them to come back.”