Yana Halatchuk


“I try even not to mention the word ‘crisis.’ Spring will certainly relieve the tension and make people forget troubles for some time. But it’s only for some time. Problems will not go anywhere. When the weather changes for the worse again, it’ll be twice as painful to return to old unsolved issues.”

Halyna Pestunenko


“Honestly, I pray. That is the only thing left for me, a pensioner. Spring is not a panacea and the sun doesn’t bring money.”

Valentyna Prutkova


“Fortunately, I managed to hold on to my job though the crisis. However, my husband did not. It’s extremely difficult for me to take my mind off financial hardships. Spring won’t change anything, as the irritation of Ukrainians is reaching the boiling point.”

Antonyna Dehtyarova


“I don’t have time to think about the crisis. There are better things for me to take care of, for example, my two sons, as I am a single mother. Times are hard, indeed. However, I truly believe with all my heart that spring will bring a positive change and our leaders will recall that they have a nation to take care of.”

Oleksandr Pryshchepa


“Crisis is crisis. I just take it as it is, as I’ve done many times before. However, spring won’t bring a miracle. My advice is for Ukrainians to simply start working properly.”