Nina Tyshchenko
“I wish that Ukraine will finally get rid of its government and new, talented, educated and open-minded people will come to power to wipe these corrupt old minds off the face of Ukraine. Mafia should not rule the country.”
Larisa Vovchuk
Post office clerk
“Friendly co-existence with the world around it. We must finally establish the balance between the East and the West. We have to create peaceful relations with both Russia and the United States, because so much in Ukraine depends on them and so many Ukrainians reside in those countries.”
Svyatoslav Reshetov
Ukrainian immigrant to the United States
“Stability. Tolerance and respect of Ukrainians to each other. In the political sense, I wish the Ukrainian government would start to live for the people and not at the expense of the people, always using and taking advantage of them.”
Hanna Hnatishena
“I wish that all salaries, pensions and stipends will be paid by the government. For me, as a student, it’s of great importance, because I have not received my stipend since October. Other than that, there has always been not enough of something for our people, but we always kept going and we will in 2009.”
Maria Sorokina
“Besides financial prosperity, I wish that Ukrainians will restore their interest in life. I wish that our nation will become healthier by solving its ecological problems and being able to afford health care. Currently people are so socially unprotected.”