Tamara Osaulenko


“They cannot change anything now, when the country has hit rock bottom, except maybe to make things worse. I did not believe in the old coalitions. I don’t believe in the new one.”

Volodymyr Piven


“Somebody told me there is a curse on Ukraine until 2012. Seriously, the real crisis will hit Ukraine this mid-winter and a new coalition will be unable to help us. It seems like we’ve run out of possible variants of cooperation [in the parliament], as they all don’t work. The new coalition — same people, different positions — cannot last long this way. New players have to step into the picture.”

Dariya Bondar

Legal assistant

“I don’t believe in the new coalition. Until its members divide spheres of interest, they won’t even touch the economic problems. And because it’s almost impossible for them to reach a consensus on who rules what, the coalition will not last long. In my opinion, the ideal variant would be BYuT [the bloc of Yulia Tymoshenko] and the Party of Regions.”

Yevhenia Zhigulina


“Certainly, the new coalition will not save the country from economic disaster. There should be no coalition. All factions should work together to solve the economic and political chaos in Ukraine.”

Lyudmila Seleznyova

Fashion designer

“The country needs a coalition so badly that it doesn’t even care what kind of coalition it is. The stable functioning of the parliament is what we need. However, the crisis will get worse and the new coalition won’t solve the problem. They failed to find agreement before the crisis. Now it is too late because the country is already in deep trouble.”