Olena Pereverza


“We had plans to visit Carpathian Mountains during the holidays and to finish repairing works in our apartment by the New Year. However, we were unfortunate enough to borrow dollars to buy a car, when the dollar was only Hr 4.7. Now we’re really screwed, spending all money on monthly payments. All holidays plans simply collapsed.”

Nadiya Shulevska


“Fear of the unknown forces me to save every kopek. Anything can happen. Pensions and salaries may be delayed or not paid at all. I was going to make some nice New Year presents for my grandchildren. Now I can afford, at maximum, a cute trifle.”

Oleh Vasychko


“We, Slavic people, always knew and always celebrated a great New Year’s regardless of any possible misfortunes. This is year won’t be an exception.”

Kateryna Govreshcuk

Kyiv metro advertising department

“I didn’t plan on going anywhere for the New Year holidays. However, I definitely wanted to treat myself with at least a new outfit. It’s not going to happen, as now I have to economize on everything to make both ends meet.”

Vasyl Radchenko


“No, it had absolutely no effect on my plans for the holidays. I did not get involved in reckless schemes. Life goes on as usual and nothing negative is currently happening.”