Halyna Panasyuk


“Both sides are guilty. The Ukrainian government lacks diplomacy and is absolutely unable to negotiate anything. The Russian side uses its natural resources as a means of pressure. Only consensus can save Ukraine this winter.”

Ludmila Perfilieva

Bank worker

“Both sides proved to be unable to find compromise. And this time it’s enough of diplomacy from the Ukrainian side. It’s enough of retreat. Russians have been using us for ages and it’s our turn to attack.”

Volodymyr Prishchepa


“The primary responsibility lies on the Ukrainian side and the Ukrainian government is guilty of letting the whole country down. We cannot just ignore debts.”

Serhiy Manekin


“It’s Ukraine’s fault, certainly. Debts should be paid. Another thing is that all this anti-Russian propaganda in the mass media leads to hatred between nations and generates nationalism in Ukrainian minds. In the gas issue there are, certainly, guilty people from both sides. The only solution is to restore friendships between the nations, which were meant to be spiritually close.”

Dmytro Uramov

Theatrical agency department head“The Russian side is to be blamed. However, Ukrainian debt is not the reason for such a decision. This is just the way Russia implemented its international policy. We should not be surprised, as it was predictable and would have hit Ukraine sooner or later anyway.”