Marina Minyaeva

Tourism manager

“The banking crisis has not affected me yet. But I am pretty sure the whole system will collapse very soon. And this will be the fault of coming elections and political instability.”

Miroslava Liman


“Soon everything is going to collapse in this country. The company I am working for is already experiencing a number of difficulties connected with the banking crisis and fluctuations in exchange rates.”

Marina Solom­chenko

Hair stylist

“Half of the people I know are having troubles getting deposits out. Personally, I have not touched mine yet. However, a week ago I applied for a bank loan and still have not received any response. It is difficult to say whether the whole system will collapse or not, though.”

Elena Kobzar

Construction manager

“Personally, I did not have any problems taking money out and I really hope the Ukrainian banking system will survive these harsh times. However, our construction company is seriously damaged by the crisis.”

Nataliya Valentir


“Everything collapsed in Ukraine a long time ago. Speaking specifically of the banking crisis, personally, I have assets at PrivatBank and have been unable to take money out at all in the last several days.”