Nadiya Volkodav
“The euro is the most reliable currency at the moment. Taking into consideration the crisis in the U.S., the fall of the dollar is likely to hit Ukraine very soon. However, it [the dollar] will go up again in about half a year. The situation with the hryvnia is unpredictable, which makes the euro the best choice.”
Oleksandr Babir
“I still trust the dollar. And I am certain that fluctuations in its exchange rate are transient. The dollar will go back to normal in the nearest future, especially considering the financial assistance the U.S. provided to avoid the collapse of major national banks.”
Victor Panishchenko
Music teacher
“I bet on the euro these days. Only God knows what is going to happen with the dollar, and the destiny of the hryvnia is even more obscure. The future of our national currency totally depends on Ukraine’s political situation.”
Veronika Kokurina
“I rely on the dollar. I am pretty sure it will continue its growth in Ukraine despite the expectations of its collapse. Speaking of the hryvnia, our economic situation leaves much to be desired, as well as the strength of the national currency.”
Tetyana Hval
“I fully support our national currency and consider the hryvnia to be most reasonable choice among all today. The dollar is too subject to fluctuations to be trusted.”