Editor’s Note: The U.S. President Donald J. Trump met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on July 16. During the meeting, Trump did not approve of Russia’s annexation of Ukrainian Crimea, however, Putin later said on state TV that Trump had made him a “very interesting offer” on Ukraine.

Victoria Svetlichnaya, lawyer

“Well, yes, I think he can be relied on, because the United States are already helping us. If it wasn’t for them, we would be long gone, dissolving in Russia. I know that he is eccentric, which is the reason everyone is asking whether he can be relied on. First of all, the United States promised to protect Ukraine from Russia’s pressure. It has to keep its promise to protect us. After all, when countries like the States give their word, they can be relied on to keep it, in order to uphold their image in the eyes of others. If countries like that were to go back on their word, then who can be relied on at all?”

Mykola Lavan, Private business owner

“Yes, because Ukraine knows what to hold him by. It’s that simple.”

Evgeniy Seregin, bank employee

“More no than yes, because there is no stability in his views. Neither is there stability in his behavior. His behavior shows that his views change very often and quickly, from one end of spectrum to the other. A person like that cannot be relied on – not only in respect to our interests, but in life as a whole.”

Oleksandr Omelianyskiy, student

“You have to solve your own problems, develop and move forward yourself; not rely on others, putting your fate in their hands. After all, Trump is there, and has his own problems. Would it be strategic for him to help Ukraine? Only when Ukraine joins NATO, allowing him to establish some bases here. At this time and place, he cannot be relied on. Ukraine must simply look after its own interests.”

Evgeniy Nazarenko, journalist

“Our president said that we have to look after our own interest, so we must do that. Trump has his own interests, we have our own. American government system is built in such a way that he cannot make any decisions single-handedly. If Trump had the power to make unilateral decisions, everyone, including ourselves, would have been suffering for a long time now. This is just because of the kind of person he is. As for the whole United States – yes we can rely on it to look after our interests.”