Kateryna Vlasiuk, law student

“I am irritated by the European values. For example, they recognize LGBT and for me it is wrong. I do not understand some European things and I do not want them in my country. But if the EU will promote our development and financially support Ukraine, then fine.”

Oleg Melnyk, bank employee

“Ukraine should join the EU. It is better to go to Europe than back to the USSR. The EU means the rule of law, democracy, and fair elections. We should follow the line of progress, rather than regression.”

Olga Solonina, former university professor

“Ukraine can join the EU, but first it must improve its economy, change the attitude towards its people and rethink who is sitting in the Verkhovna Rada. Therefore, Ukraine should first of all care about itself and its citizens. And then when we are ready, we can consider the EU. Although, I think Britain would do a right thing if they left the EU.”

Valerii Pinchuk, retiree

“If Britain came to the idea that they do not need the EU, it’s up for them to decide. I think we should join the EU. It never hurts to have the connections. It would be good for the economy and politics and lead us away from Russia.”