
“I don’t think we are independent. Independence, it’s when a person gains freedom through financial stability, decent job, place to live and the level of life itself. I’ve traveled the world and finally realized what independence really means. Ukraine is years away from this level. People do not feel free here and will not for a long while.”

Natalya Payurova,


“Independence is impossible. We [Ukraine, Russia, Belarus] all are dependent on each other…and will reunite again sooner or later.”

Tamara Bednova,


“Certainly, I wish prosperity for Ukraine. Certainly, I would love to see its progressive development. But we can not ignore the presence of Russia. We used to be one big family and still depend on each other. My children live in Russia and I can not say I am happy to be independent from a country where my family is.”

Murat Urimi

“The essence of Ukrainian independence lies in its tolerance towards other nations and human rights. It is amazing how Ukraine has changed in past 10 years. I feel the country is on the right track and becomes a better place to be with every moment.”

Volodymyr Pashma,


“Independence can be reached only when the power structures make promises and eventually implement them. Only this way, through trust between nation and its leaders, people will feel independent and free. It is not happening this way, as nobody here is responsible for their words.”