Halyna Klyuchikova,

Private entrepreneur

“I consider the right for education to be persistently abused in Ukraine. The new test system [for university admission, which uses school graduation tests as alternatives to entrance examinations] destroyed the opportunity for many to receive a good education.”




“How can we speak of human rights in Ukraine, if most them are violated by those who should be guarding them in the first place — Ukrainian law enforcement structures. Speaking of freedom of speech, regardless of the fact that the situation has improved significantly, news is still “ordered” and is not reliable in most cases. However, I should admit that freedom of choice does exist in Ukraine today.”

Vitaliy Terletskiy


“There is no equality among people in Ukraine today due to huge economical disparity between upper and lower classes and the absence of a middle one. It causes oppression and the infringement of human rights of the lower classes by the ruling one.”

Serhiy Panov


“There is no freedom of choice. The fact I pay for my university education should give me the right to choose which courses to attend and which to omit. Well, there is no such option for me today at my university.”

Serhiy Burenko

Furniture maker

“Even though Soviet times are gone, the right to reside and work where one wants and not be stuck in the place one is registered, is still violently abused. Generally, the situation with human rights has improved.”