Mass media representative

“The crisis was artificially provoked. Now the situation generates considerable public excitement. Things are not so bad and the concept of a ‘Ukrainian economic crisis’ is far from reality. However, disorder exists. And only the consensus of both political wings and their cooperation can establish order.”

Vasyl Kovak


“It should be a person who understands the essence of business in the first place. Speaking of a particular leader among today’s Ukrainian authorities, I have not seen any leaders really. However, Ukraine has already survived a lot through the course of history and will survive this crisis as well.”

Olha Sakhno

“It’s not only an economic crisis, but a credibility gap. The best solution is to talk less about it. Constant exaggeration of the situation in the media escalates public tension and results in panic. Ukrainians simply need to talk less and work more. None of our political leaders, especially our parties, are capable of doing anything.”

Dina Harmash


“The ruling parties proved to be incapable of anticipating and avoiding the crisis, or coping with the consequences. I am mostly certain that only the communist wing can save the situation.”

Artur Melnychuk


“Only new heroes can lead the country out of the deep economic crisis which seized Ukraine a long time ago. I don’t see any hope in those we have in power at the moment.”