Editor’s Note: Kyiv public relations specialist Zhanna Kobylinska’s “Good News Ukraine” blog sticks to uplifting news and steers clear of controvers.

Ukrainian and Arabic cultures fusion shown in a beautiful photo project

Irina Kononova (fashion designer, owner of K&K image Studio), Yulia Fontanii (project manager) and Nadia Onoda (photography director) started the photo project ‘Ukrainian ladies in the UAE’.

The purpose of the project is to show the fusion of two cultures (Arabic and Ukrainian) and their harmonious coexistence.

Photos and stories of the girls can be read on the Facebook-page project.


Mobile application to help you to learn more about Ukrainian castles

Mobile application ‘Castles of Ukraine’ is the first program allowing you to discover new historic sites (view photos, description, and location of castles) and make a route to them.

‘The application is available for Android smartphones and tablets, iOS version is under development’, Denys Zaiats, developer, says.

As Denys says the program is used by more than 11,000 people from different countries (mainly, Ukraine, Poland, and the USA).


Mariinskyi Palace to welcome tourists in 2019.

After the reconstruction being finished the palace will serve as the main residence of the President of Ukraine (venue to host awards ceremony, receptions, presentation of credentials of ambassadors of foreign states, summits and meetings of official delegations at the highest level), and a sight for the city tourists to visit as well.


Ukrainian pupils patent 160 inventions in different sciences

As Lilia Hrynevych, Minister of Education of Ukraine, says Ukrainian pupils have received more than 160 patents in computer, engineering, science, physics and astronomy.

‘We have an educational system aimed at providing the organization and coordination of students’ research activities, creating conditions for their intellectual and creative development, spiritual advance, and vocational self-determination to support the scientific potential growth of the country. The system is funded by the state and local budgets. 10 percent of pupils engaged in after school activities attend the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine’, Ukrainian education minister said during the Education World Forum held in London.

She also added that the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is one of the most effective tools to reveal potential of Ukrainian talented children but one needs to look for additional ways to provide every child in Ukraine with opportunities and facilities for self-development.


Krovets, modern web-platform to learn more about Ukrainian folk arts

Ukrainian folk art inspires as it is unique and interesting, it expresses accumulated tastes and preferences of many Ukrainian generations. Due to the country’s location, within the Eastern Europe and at the crossroads of many trading routes, Ukrainian folk art could not resist foreign industrial and art influences, however, all these trends were carefully rethought before being adopted and further developed.

Krovets, mordern platform about Ukrainian folk arts, was founded by married couple from Kyiv. The platform aims at deepening the dialogue between generations, giving contemporaries a chance to get acquainted with talents of their ancestors, providing designers and artist with a source of inspiration in order to develop Ukrainian modern design.

More: http://ukrainegoodnews.com/krovets-modern-platform-about-ukrainian-folk-arts.html