Editor’s Note: Kyiv public relations specialist Zhanna Kobylinska’s “Good News Ukraine” blog sticks to uplifting news and steers clear of controvers.

Britons recommend visiting the Tunnel of Love in Ukraine

The Telegraph compiled a list of places in Eastern Europe recommended to visit. The Tunnel of Love in Rivne Oblast also entered the list and took the 22nd place.

TOP-25 also includes interesting places from such countries as Estonia, Romania, Latvia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Belarus, Bulgaria and Lithuania.


National Geographic photographer draws attention to the war in Ukraine by postcards

Anastasia Taylor-Lind, National Geographic photographer, and Alisa Sopova, Donetsk journalist, are mailing postcards worldwide to draw attention to the military conflict in the east of Ukraine.

One side of the postcard shows a photo of pre-war Donetsk, the other one is scribbled with the name of a man killed in the war.

Anastasia said that the postcard idea had come in one of the post offices in combat zone. In the summer of 2015 she ordered more than 1,000 postcards and started mailing them randomly to people around the world, ‘I wanted people to have a more personal experience with conflict’.

The first impressions were rather uncertain (anger, shock, confusion, sadness), however, later people started sharing their experiences in social media by using the hashtag #WelcomeToDonetsk and #WarIsPersonal.


Kyiv to host Ternopil Oblast Day

Feb. 14 the Ukrainian House to host ‘Blessed Ternopil Oblast’ exposition. The event is to present economic, cultural and tourism potential of the region.

The event program includes: tourist attractions; ethnic and cultural heritage presentation; exhibition of art-books and paintings of the best artists; presentation of schools, publishers; autograph sessions of authors; Ternopil best restaurants, local goodies etc.

The exhibition opens at 12 p.m, the solem opening ceremony starts at 5 p.m.


Ukrainian chorists win ‘Grand Prix of Nations’

The Chamber girl’s choir from Lysenko Kyiv Specialized Music School won three gold medals at the world competition ‘Grand Prix of Nations’ held in Berlin.

The girls won in ‘Spiritual Music’, ‘Youth Choir’ and ‘Ethnic music’ categories. As the official contest page informs none of the contestants failed to win such a record number of awards as Ukrainian chorists.

The choir was the only contestant from Ukraine.


Environmentally friendly camera for snapshot to be released this June

This June Jollylook camera for snapshot, made of environmentally friendly products, will be released. The fundraising campaign to raise funds, $15,000 for the camera production, started on Kickstarter platform (within a day after the campaign launched $90,000 were raised).

Jollylook is a folding camera made of entirely recycled paper and cardboard, ‘No electronics, only paper, a pair of lenses and mini cartridges for snapshot’. One cartridge can get 10 analog photos, color or black and white.

The device is compact, it has a vintage design (it resembles an accordion). The camera costs $35.
