Editor’s Note: Kyiv public relations specialist Zhanna Kobylinska’s “Good News Ukraine” blog sticks to uplifting news and steers clear of controvers.

38 embassies to organize the 24th charity fair

December 3, International Women´s Club of Kyiv (spouses of diplomats, expats, foreign businessmen) is organizing 24th Annual Charity Bazaar. All the raised money will be spent on orphans, elderly people, disabled kids and others in need.

During the fair representatives of 38 embassies will sell national and typical for their countries products (including, food and drinks), second hand clothes as well as home appliances, electronic gadgets, DVDs and many more.

The fair will be accompanied by the cultural program. The smallest guests will be able to attend various craft master classes at the Kid’s Corner. All the visitors can try good luck at Grand Raffle/Tombola and win valuable prizes (for example, airline tickets, gift certificates for restaurants and hotels, embassy baskets etc.).

The entrance fee is Hr 80 (for adults), Hr 20 (for pensioners and kids 6-18 years).

IWCK is a non-governmental, non-profit organization bringing together more than 250 members from 59 countries


Kherson pensioner grows exotic persimmon

‘Domestic persimmon is as sweet as honey, it just melts in your mouth. No doubt, our fruit is not worse, moreover, it is even better than the fruit imported from Azerbaijani, Armenian and Spain’.

At his dacha (summer cottage) located near the city of Hola Prystan (Kherson Oblast), Mykhailo Vertman managed to grow exotic persimmon.

Six years ago the man bought two-year seedlings of three different сold-hardy species.

As the gardener says it is much easier to grow persimmon than apricots, peaches or cherries. Pests do no harm to the exotic tree, animals and birds do not risk to taste unusual fruits. The only thing one should do is to water a tree (40 liters each) twice a week. Two years passed the tree will give the first harvest of persimmon.

One tree brings about 70 kg of persimmon, the harvest from three trees is about two centners.


Welcome to Ukrainian Christmas Fair in London

Youth Organisation in Great Britain invites to visit Ukrainian Christmas Fair to be held in London on December 4.

As the organizers inform the event program includes Christmas carols, fun and games for children, Christmas gifts and Ukrainian souvenirs fair.
The event starts at 12:00p.m. The venue is Ukrainian Cultural Center (154 Holland Park). Entrance is free.


Turkish culture center to open in Kyiv

In the nearest future a Turkish culture center named after Yunus Emre will be opened in Kyiv. The plans were stated by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey to Ukraine Mr.Yonet Gian Tezel.

As the mission head says the current bilateral relations between Ukraine and Turkey are developing very rapidly that is why the center will promote cultural, educational and tourist relations.

The future center will serve as a venue for cultural events and Turkish language course.

Yunus Emre Foundation started opening Turkish centers in 2009. At present there are centers in 42 countries.


The first Ukrainian gets ‘Artist for Peace’ award

Herman Makarenko becomes the first Ukrainian, who has ever been awarded with UNESCO ‘Artist for Peace’ award. Herman is the conductor of the National Opera of Ukraine, artistic director and chief conductor of the orchestra ‘Kyiv-Classic’.

The award ceremony will take place at UNESCO headquarters in Paris on November 29.

At the ceremony Herman Makarenko will also present a special concert program with compositions from all over the world included.
