Editor’s Note: A new pedestrian bridge opened in Kyiv on May 26, connecting the Volodymyrska Hirka (Volodymyr’s Hill) Park and Mariinsky Park. The construction cost was Hr 275 million, with another Hr 90 million to install new lights and a fountain, bringing the overall cost of construction to more than $12 million. While some welcomed the new bridge, others complained that it was too expensive and the money should have been spent on other things, such as fixing the city’s infrastructure. The Kyiv Post asked Kyivans whether they support the construction of the bridge or think the money could be used for something else.

Iryna Rymarenko (Oleg Petrasiuk)

Iryna Rymarenko

HR manager

“In my opinion, (the bridge) is important. This is the capital of Ukraine, the face of our country. Things like this make the city more attractive to visitors. We should invest in the city, renovate it and develop.”

Daria Makarenko (Oleg Petrasiuk)

Daria Makarenko


“No, of course not, it’s too expensive. Many bridges built in the European Union were bigger and cheaper. They should have spent the money on building the roads or orphanages.”

Andriy Prokopenko (Oleg Petrasiuk)

Andriy Prokopenko

military personnel

“It is a practical use of money. Kyiv needs this bridge, many people use it for transition (between the parks). I’m happy to know that such a beautiful bridge appeared in my city.”

Eduard Derevyanko (Oleg Petrasiuk)

Eduard Derevyanko


“They’d better fix the roads! Because driving a car is so uncomfortable.”

Liudmyla Kononenko (Oleg Petrasiuk)

Liudmyla Kononenko


“This bridge is something incredible. I’m almost 60 and I’d say that (Mayor Vitali) Klitschko is the first mayor who puts an effort into the development of Kyiv. This is an image of the city, pride of our city and country in general.”

Maryna Kobets (Oleg Petrasiuk)

Maryna Kobets

fitness coach

“Yes, our government can afford it. Our city lacks architecture like this bridge. Such things should be built.”

Inna Babenko (Oleg Petrasiuk)

Inna Babenko

chief accountant

“Everything that inspires should be enshrined with money. So it’s a great idea. There’s so little happiness in our lives, I wish people from Kyiv had more good things in their lives like this bridge.”

Victor Lygovskiy (Oleg Petrasiuk)

Viktor Lygovskiy


“Sure, it makes sense. Look how many people are walking the bridge. I’m sure, the main goal of the government budget is to satisfy citizens’ needs. I have never seen the statue of Volodymyr from this height, and I’m amused by the view under the glass floor.”