Editor’s Note: During his first-ever press conference Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky said he believes that the issue of the PrivatBank’s nationalization should be talked through with Ihor Kolomoisky, the bank’s former owner, who now tries to win back the bank in various courts. Later today, however, Zelensky also said he would do “everything possible so Ukraine does not pay a single kopek” to PrivatBank’s former owners. The president’s team has openly admitted they consider paying back $2 billion to Kolomoisky – the money he demanded as a “compromise”. We asked people in Kyiv what do they think of such a settlement.

Tetyana Hamrick (Austin Malloy)

Tetyana Hamrick, seamstress

“I think that they should not give anything back. What is ours is ours and it has to remain like that. When I get hold of something, I never return it back.”

Tetyana Romanovska (Austin Malloy)

Tetyana Romanovska, shoemaker

“We are against it. It is total nonsense. Why should the state pay back something to Kolomoisky if he stole much more money? The state does not owe him anything.”

Yuriy Brygidyr (Austin Malloy)

Yuriy Brygidyr, a builder

“It is not a great idea, it is a wrong one. Kolomoisky has to pay, not the state.”

Svitlana Karasenko (Austin Malloy)

Svitlana Karasenko, retiree

“No, that should not happen. He has to pay.”

Anatoliy Eremenko (Austin Malloy)

Anatoliy Eremenko, retiree

“Kolomoisky is an enemy of Ukraine and he has to be grateful that he is not jailed yet.