Editor’s Note: To tackle the spread of the novel coronavirus, the Ukrainian government has ordered the extension of the quarantine measures in the entire country until April 24, closing cafes and restaurants as well as all public transportation for noncritical personnel. Authorities recommend everyone to stay home. The Kyiv Post has asked famous Ukrainians what are their tips to survive self-isolation.

Nata Zhyzhchenko
lead singer of Ukrainian band Onuka

“The internet has opened up a world of information to us and it’s just the time to explore it. Watch online performances of Ukrainian theaters, build up your knowledge using (online learning platform) Coursera, and finally enjoy new Ukrainian music. You can also benefit from self-isolation at home by making everyday to-do lists, which will include several things for your self-development, apart from work. And most importantly, perceive information with a clear head and avoid panic.”

Dmytro Shurov
leader of band Pianoboy

“What helps me is to think of the places I want to be at when the quarantine is over, to dream and to visualize. Try to spend more time in the wild, read news critically. Develop some new skills, better something physical, not intellectual, because the mind is already overwhelmed. Concentrate your energy on creating something. Help your relatives. Don’t spend energy on anger and anxiety. I personally don’t want to create any information noise but rather to retreat into my shell.”

Masha Efrosinina
TV host, ambassador of the United Nations Population Fund

“My first rule is discipline and a strict daily schedule. We must accept the fact that this is not a long-term vacation and not a reason to relax. It is the same life with tasks and goals – only at home. The internet has made the situation easier, of course, allowing us to work remotely. We need to use it. In general, quarantine has not affected my regime. I still wake up at 7:30 a. m., but I also started exercising and pay more attention to my nutrition. This is a great time to check the correctness of your diet, learn something new, do yoga and meditate. You need to be in your usual rhythm. Every day I tell myself that it is temporary and I truly believe that this situation was given for the planet to stop and rethink everything.”

Roman Hryshchuk
comedian, Verkhovna Rada deputy

“Self-isolation is a time for family and children, which we didn’t have enough of. It is also an opportunity to master faster online tools for your work. Since the beginning of the year, deputies have had tablets for remote work with a built-in electronic document management system. Quarantine is the best time to learn how to make deputies’ requests, petitions and register bills not leaving homes.”

Anna Rizatdinova

“It’s important to stay positive, understand the situation and observe the quarantine. You can also get as creative as possible and spend the time profitably. At the same time, give yourself a break, because we all did not have enough time to relax. But now, everyone got the opportunity to do something for what they didn’t have enough time before. Be sure to do sports, at least several times a week. Those who have children can do sports together with them. You can do livestreams (on Instagram, Facebook), as the whole world is one big family now and it’s important to communicate with each other, support each other and simply ask how the quarantine goes. As a sportswoman, I advise all not to lay on the couch for 30 days. When the quarantine is over, there won’t be much time to lose weight. So control your weight and your nutrition.”


“I won’t stop saying that the 21st century is a century of self-education and self-learning. Even in such a difficult time, there is an opportunity to take online courses, fill your life with music and spend time with the loved ones. Now, most of the world’s museums have online guides. Among them, there are the British Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Ukrainian theaters can also be found online. I also recommend you all to get enough of Vitamin D and watch our stadium show “LOVE IT Rhythm” on YouTube.”

Zhan Beleniuk
Greco-Roman wrestler, Verkhovna Rada deputy

“Look for every opportunity to do sports. I’m jogging in the woods on a schedule. It is possible to do push-ups and sit-ups (at home). But it’s all very individual. This is my tip. Sport keeps me sane.”