Editor’s Note: Ukraine is in the midst of election season. Ukrainians after voting for president in April will now vote in the snap parliamentary elections on July 21. The Kyiv Post asks people on the streets of Kyiv whether they are satisfied with those who received their vote in 2014.

Valeriy Shilov


“I voted for (Petro) Poroshenko of course, and his (Petro Poroshenko) Bloc, Solidarity together with (Vitali) Klitschko. I’m personally dissatisfied with Poroshenko, with Klitschko. I’m not voting for them again. Promises are not fulfilled. The main promises were battling corruption and that people could live (peacefully), that rights and freedoms would be maintained, that didn’t happen.”

Valentyna Yurkevych


“In 2014, I was in New York in our Ukrainian embassy and I voted for (Dmytro) Yarosh and was very surprised that Poroshenko won. You know it was a similar situation back then as it is now. I voted for (Volodymyr) Zelensky (in 2019) not because he offered me anything, but because I wanted to dismiss that jerk Poroshenko, who I hated even before 2014. I knew all about his deeds.”

Oleksandr Volyk


“I voted in 2014…well there wasn’t anyone to vote for, but I’m disappointed. The problem is that the market of ideas is a market (Editor’s note: Meaning candidates tell what voters want to hear). It’s all a lie. There is a social demand for a certain idea and every politician will preach what his electoral base wants to hear. Everything else is a hoax.”

Kyrylo Remes


“I didn’t vote in the 2014 parliamentary elections but I voted in the 2014 presidential elections for Poroshenko. I’m not disappointed. I’m not supporting him this time, because I think each candidate should have only one term. If he said, ‘Here are the people I trust,’ I would vote for them, but in other case I won’t vote for him. His vision gets blurred (after being in power for five years).”

Oleksandr Tereshchenko

Paper industry

“I’m disappointed (with my candidate). I’m not voting for him again. He didn’t deliver on what he promised me and everyone else, on what people have expected from him.”