Editor’s note: According to the news outlet Football 24, 4,410 Ukrainians have bought tickets for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. And more than 30,000 Ukrainians have applied for tickets, despite the fact that Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has recommended that Ukrainians not visit Russia for reasons of their own safety.   

Yuriy Shcherban, student

“It’s OK. If I had the chance, I’d also go there to watch the World Cup. It is the most prestigious competition. Sport and politics are two separate things for me.”

Natalya Zagorodnya, accountant

“Let’s allow those who want to attend the World Cup to do so. It’s being held in Russia, that’s just how it is. Anyway, it’s still the championship of the world, so I have no negative feelings about it. But before you asked, I didn’t even think about it, because I’m not going.”

Katerina Svetayeva, housewife

“I really think they shouldn’t be doing that – it’s not OK to visit Russia. It’s an aggressor. One needs to understand that our Ukrainians are fighting, are dying. You need to respect that. We’re having vacations here, and they’re fighting a war. I don’t think it’s right.”

Danil Malashko, student

“I don’t know much about politics, and I’m not interested in football. To be honest, I wouldn’t go. I’m from Crimea myself; I moved to Kyiv from the occupied territory, so I don’t really have a good opinion of Russia. But if someone is interested (in attending the World Cup in Russia), I don’t see a problem in this. It could be someone’s passion.”

Lana Stepanova, student

“I don’t think that there is anything wrong with it. If people are interested in sports, why not?”