Oleh Horyanov,

53, government worker

“I think there is no place for any sanctions because nobody should interfere in Ukraine’s affairs. Ukraine is an important geopolitical player and that is why (Russian President Vladimir) Putin is defending his interests. If every country involved in the conflict takes a step back, Russia will step back as well.

Iryna Ivanchenko,

58, pensioner

(U.S. President Barack) Obama’s sanctions are definitely tougher that Europe’s. The EU keeps flirting with Putin, when the actions should be stricter. Of course Europe has its business and economic interests and giving them up is not an easy thing. I am not talking about Baltic countries or Poland, they support us.

Maryna Chorna,

27, PR manager

All the previously applied sanctions look more like PR moves. The EU needs to use specific leverage to pressure Putin individually, because it (this war) is his personal terror.

Olga Chernysh,

64, pensioner

Sanctions against Russia are no more than gnat bites. I am disappointed with leaders from “Old Europe” like (French president Francois ) Hollande, (Chancellor of Germany Angela) Merkel. The U.S. should support Ukraine financially… and supply us with weaponry and military equipment. We don’t need their rations, we can produce those ourselves. I think Ukraine needs to join NATO, but it’s impossible while military operations are taking place on our territory.

Vladymyr Besarab,

39, military man

These are just new sanctions which are supposed to scare Putin. Every time the U.S. and EU threaten to toughen their actions, but it is just ridiculous. Putin benefits from this conflict, he improves his rating. This is a blood-based policy.