assistant in law firm
“What we see now, the agreements are actually not being carried out. So it’s unlikely they will be done properly. All sides are certainly not going to observe them. Maybe, the next level of war won’t be so active.”

Volodymyr Marchun,

“Rather the agreements will be brought to life than not. But all the preferences they promise for Donbas are useless. Nothing good will come out when some cities get more preferences than other. People in Donbas never thought about Ukraine’s state so their goals will prevail again. But the economy should be restored there.”

Olga Lytvynenko,

“My uncle and best friend are fighting in eastern Ukraine. I wish it were true that the agreements were active, but I don’t believe yet as they call me and inform about the situation there. It’s too early to talk about a ceasefire.”

Oleksandra Kondra­shova,

“Putin lies all the time. From the point of rescued lives, it’s great as there’s a real hope that day by day we have less victims. But considering a global result, personally I hardly believe much positive will be gained.

Halyna Gladysh,
telecommunications engineer

“Moscow can’t be trusted at all, but whatever the truce is, it gives some reprieve to our people and time to think over something new. It is better than fighting going on and our soldiers beong seized in so-called heavy one-sided fighting.”

Svyatoslav Danylenko,
history professor

“The only benefit is it can give a chance to regroup our forces and give some rest for our servicemen. Let’s hope as many of our guys as possible will be liberated. It (the cease-fire) is a temporary thing.”

Yuriy Bilous,

“There should have been some decisions made. Actions and solutions are better than nothing. Maybe it’s a chance to improve the situation. But without dialogue it wouldn’t be right, as well as to withdraw our troops. The results can be either positive or negative. Both forces can regroup, but human life is the most valuable. Radical methods are not the right solution.”