Daria Lee,

“I think NATO troops might be a hint for Vladimir Putin that what he is doing is enough. It will allow us to show him that the world is on our side; that if half the world thinks he’s not right, then, maybe, he is the problem?”

Stoyana Zaichuk,

“Who destroyed Serbia, wasn’t it NATO? Wasn’t it NATO that destroyed the cradle of civilization, NATO is the death of civilization. If it enters Ukraine, Russian missiles will be here.”

Lesya Gorova,

“NATO backing is necessary, otherwise we won’t beat Russia. WWIII has already started, and I don’t see any other solution. We don’t the means to resist Russia, so Ukraine needs NATO’s help. But everything depends on Putin’s behavior. If he stops in time, there won’t be WWIII.”

Oleksandr Melny­chenko,

“If the moron goes further, we will have WWIII. Ukraine has to immediately join NATO. Whatever happens, NATO is the only salvation for us. Even our ‘doing nothing’ may lead to a global catastrophe.”

Kateryna Romanenko,

“In the framework of logic and adequacy, this shouldn’t lead to WWIII. However, from the point of Putin’s reaction, I don’t think it’s necessary to keep NATO forces away from Ukraine and the Baltic countries in order to deter Russia’s aggression. We contemplated similar events before WWII, so I don’t think we need to ban NATO’s presence just to not make Russia furious.”