Yevheniya Andrushchenko

“It feels safer when I see police patrolling. I don’t do anything criminal to attract their attention. But I hope if something bad happens to me they will help. Especially in the city center, there are many of them here.”

Yevhen Karpenko
Construc-tion worker

“I can’t stand our police. It often happens that they take people away for no reason at all. When they come up they should introduce themselves, understand the situation. Instead they take your document right away and ask to follow them somewhere.”

Serhiy Kalimoisky

“I don’t trust police. They lack education and qualifications. The more they appear as intelligent and competent, the more people will trust them.”

Ivan Kostenko

“I’m tired of police undressing and searching me. Especially in Kharkiv. Police there assume that I’m a drug addict. I don’t know why. And when they find nothing, they never apologize. I want policemen to explain why they stop me. I’m more afraid of the police than the criminals.”

Ihor Skorobahatiy
“Our police don’t work to protect us. Too often it turns out to be vice versa when they stop you to receive a bribe. Corruption is the big problem with our police.”

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