Oksana Matyrian, student
“My son and I hide from the streets and sit under the air-conditioner. There is nothing else to do – drink water and stay at home when it’s hot.”


Victoria Videnko, barmaid
“Mojitos are a hit in this hot weather, we sell many of them now. And I think this is the best way to a good mood and to cool down.”


Valery Merezhko, serviceman
“I drink cold black tea with lemon and swim in the Dnipro River. Many think that the water isn’t clean there, but they are simply too hypercritical.”


Nazar Yaremchuk, doctor
“Take lukewarm showers and drink plenty of water. It’s simple – I do it myself and advise it to everyone else. Otherwise, there is a good chance you could find yourself in the emergency room.”


Vitaly Denisko, taxi driver
“I hide in my car and turn the air-conditioner on. There are also several clean lakes in Darnitsa area, so I like to go there on hot weekends.”


Atif Fendri, student
“Compared to my home country Tunis, it’s not hot in Kyiv. To fight thirst on a hot day one should drink hot tea instead of cold tea. I stay in the shade and I feel good.”