Valentyna Kuzmych,

“Taxes should be higher for those who live well – rich people should pay taxes for buying luxurious things and some extra money from their big incomes. I feel cheated because I worked for 40 years, paid many taxes during this time and now receive a pension of Hr 800, like everyone else. My pension is eaten up by the payments for the utility services. I still have my husband, but how can a single pensioner survive in this country?”


Ivan Belous,
construction worker

“Salaries should be reduced for our people’s deputies. People who buy expensive cars, cottages, and apartments should be taxed heavily. How can you tax poor people more? We don’t have anything to give and soon will be paying for air.”


Oleksandr Toman­chuk,

“Income tax should not exceed15 percent. Our government raised taxes for private entrepreneurs which is wrong. But the money collected from taxes goes nowhere. Or at least money doesn’t go for reconstruction of roads or improving housing.”


Volodymyr Krav­chenko,

“Once Kyiv’s mayor Cherno­vetsky suggested selling government posts officially. I think we can tax the bribes for receiving a post. At least 10 percent should go to the state coffers. Bribes are impossible to fight in this country.”


Dmytro Gon­cha­renko,
external economic relations manager

“The tax system should be selective – everyone should pay according to his ability. The entrepreneurs should pay according to their incomes. I would tax additionally the products that are harmful for the environment.”