Oleksiy Kalchenko,
unemployed musician
“Yes they should. I think everybody should have equal rights, despite sexual orientation, either lesbian women or gay men. Why should some people get treated one way and others differently? Let everybody be equal.”

Olga Doroshenko,
“Because I am already a graduate student, and do a lot of mental work, I think that sexual minorities should change their perception about the world. If a woman does not have a traditional orientation, it’s not because her genes formed differently, it’s simply because she was deeply hurt some time ago. The same goes for men. Female [homosexuality] is more or less OK, but when it comes to men, you know what I mean [it’s even worse].”

Serhiy Malyuga,
“Yes, those people are just the same as everybody else. It doesn’t matter how people want to enjoy their lives, because the majority do not enjoy their lives. We are not just a physical body, we are also souls. We are gaining experience, and this life is to enjoy to the full extent. Therefore a soul, which society calls a minority decided to gain experience this way.”

Serhiy Karpenko,
“I think they shouldn’t. It’s not forbidden in our country. If they want, they can do it at home, but they shouldn’t demonstrate it. They have a right to hold a parade somewhere around the North Pole. They want a show? I don’t like their show, then why should I tolerate it?”

Anastasiya Aseyeva,
“If they do not show it off and do not demonstrate it to my kids as a role model, then they can have equal rights. But if they resort to showing off, I’m against it.”