Edward Karol


“I’m very negative about this idea. It will aggravate already existing discord inside political structures, which will make productive decision-making almost impossible.”

Olena Petrova


“I fully support the two-chamber parliament initiative. The presence of two perspectives, two points of view, which balance each other, is always good for decision-making.”

Artem Yovenko


“Ukraine needs strong elected leadership and tough economic reforms, but not constant disputes about government models. Ukraine doesn’t need constant change of legislation and authorities of power branches, but execution of already existing laws by both regular citizens and deputies.”

Yegor Samusenko


“A two-chamber parliament would only make the already sluggish law-making process more complicated. First we have to make the oblasts more autonomous in terms of financing sources and only then can we start thinking about the dissection of parliament.”

Oleksandr Smirnov

Human resources specialist

“In Ukraine, even a one-chamber parliament is not able to function properly. They are always ready to block tribunals. They are never ready to work. Reforms will take a huge amount of money and time, and there still will be no result. The same people will occupy the same ‘chairs.’”