Vadim Kuprijevich,
private entrepreneur
“Parliament should return to the parliamentary-presidential form of government and revert to the 2004 constitutional reforms. The main authority should be returned to parliament and be focused on its formation and election of its members.”

Iryna Klymenko,
university student
“Radical actions can help authorities handle the crisis in Ukraine. Continuous negotiations lead nowhere. It is hard to build consensus when one side refuses to meet halfway. A provisional government can help make the first steps.”

Serhiy Kuzmich,
“I don’t think there is a way to cope with the situation. Violence on all sides of the conflict seems similar to revenge and authorities can’t change it. At first, a provisional government should be formed, and then early elections might be announced.”

Ludmila Vidvidska,
Fashion designer
“Authorities should return to a parliamentary republic. The president has to direct his actions in a legal environment and pay attention to the demands of oppositional representatives. Parliamentarians should be reelected in public elections.”

Viktor Andrusiv,
PhD student
“Authorities have backed themselves into a corner. Actions done on this stage of conflict won’t seem trustworthy. The only way to cope with the crisis is to involve international authorities in brokering early elections. International representatives should legitimize and supervise this process. This is the only way out.”