Eva Lanski

30, make-up artist

“My attitude to Deshchytsia’s words is positive. At that moment he did not present himself as an official. He even wore casual clothes. I think he said it as a citizen of Ukraine, not as a minister. It will be bad to fire him. He did his work well. I support his words – Putin is a dickhead, yes.”

Oksana Guseynova

50, university teacher

“From the diplomatic point of view those words were not correct, from the human point of view – correct.”

Georgy Dmitruk

46, Belarusian politician

“He became a very popular man, your Deshchytsia. All people who tell the truth, sooner or later become popular. Therefore, you should always tell the truth. Then you will be popular.”

Maxim Pinchuk

20, student

“He told the truth. It was the voice of society. But he has to keep subordination as well. He is the minister; he could say it in more polite way. But they should not fire him – just reprimand.”

Pechera Svetlana

70, retired

“According to those things that Putin does, he does not deserve better treatment. If Deshchytsia did nothing good in his post, then he needs to leave himself. He is a diplomat. So he should not talk in such a way, considering the position he occupies. He should express his position more beautifully. If there is a better nominee for his place, he should be dismissed.”